LIFESTYLE // My exams are over, I've finished my Masters and I'm back!

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Hello there!
What happened to those posts I said I'd write during exam period? They definitely did (not) get written because I underestimated entirely how much work I had to do and how little time I had to do it. However, after spending the past 2 months in the library all day every day, I have finally given in all of my coursework and completed all of my exams. It's absolutely crazy to think that I have finished 4 years of hard work and I'll come out with a Masters degree in Chemistry! (Fingers crossed - nothing is confirmed yet!)

So, this is just a short post to say hello and announce that I am going to come back to blogging! I have so much I want to write up so keep your eye crossed for those!

It feels so good to be back!


  1. Congrats on finishing your degree!! It's an amazing feeling isn't it :) Looking forward to your return to blogging :)
    Rebecca | Notes From September

  2. Congrats on your degree! Well done! I can't wait to see what will be happening next on your blog!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram


Thank you so much for commenting! I appreciate every single one of them and will get back to them as soon as I can :)