LIFESTYLE // Instagram Update

Friday, 18 March 2016

Hello there!
What can I say? I've had a mad few weeks. Between interviews, writing up my Masters project, gigs, birthdays and socials it feels good to finally start my Easter break. Sure, it actually started on Monday and I have spent all week at my desk in the dark looking at spectra. Now almost 12,000 words are written and I've reached a crazy 63 pages so feel that I can take a couple of days off and read a book or two without too guilty. 

My Masters project has definitely taken priority right now. I finished my practical work ahead of schedule and have been finishing up the report for what feels like forever. Now, at 12,000 words and 63 pages I can finally say it's at the point where I can give it in if I had to. I'm going to work on it some more of course, but to think that I have written so many words on one topic is so strange! Who'd have thought I could do it?

Alongside finishing my project, I have had to fit in PhD applications. I had a visit to Bath a few weeks ago and did not realise how beautiful a city it is. Sure, Norwich is pretty great but Bath seemed like an upgraded, more expensive version #sorrynotsorry. I'm going to have to take some time to travel up in the summer, even if just for the doors alone!

Guess, what - more work on my project! It's a hard life when your desk is too small for two laptops, a notebook and lab book. Science student problem right there. Well my bed is just a bigger desk right?

I went home just one time this semester. Starbucks has just opened at the train station and I couldn't help but try the vanilla bean macchiato. It's good - I'll tell you that much.

Last week was my last ever lab coat social! There's no better feeling than walking around at night in a fancy outfit and lab coat. From the annual lab coat wash (where mine began yellow - the woes of being a synthetic chemist) to the ceremonial free champagne, it was a good night. 

Last but not least, I have had a bit of time for some fun. I saw Gabrielle Aplin and Lewis Watson at the LCR and they were so great. I hadn't listened to Lewis Watson in such a long time and have fallen in love with his music all over again. His new song is fantastic - make sure you check him out!

So, I've been pretty busy but what have you been up to? Let me know!


  1. I'm doing my masters project next year, even though i'm leaning more towards biophysics hahah I'm so scared though, i'm dreading it so much and I haven't even started! haha congratulations on finishing yours!! x

    Ariadna || RAWR BOWS

    1. Honestly, doing my masters has been a lot of fun! It's nice to go in and just do a bit of chemistry every day. It makes the past 3 years feel worth it - like you've actually done it for something! Good luck with it - I'm sure you'll love it!


  2. It;s nice to be busy sometimes but it's always nice to have a break too, just think it will all be over soon! Your so lucky to have seen Gabrielle Aplin, I love her singing voice :) xx

    Yasmina | The July Journal

    1. This week has been a bit of a break week unfortunately! She's definitely worth seeing. She's so great live!


  3. 63 pages? Holy moly! But it's great that you've done so much of it :) I've basically been getting into my new job, and trying to get some kind of routine...which isn't working so far haha

    Meg | A Little Twist Of…

    1. I know right! When I finished it I was just like 'wow this is a thing now!!'. Congrats on your new job! Routine is seriously not easy. I'm failing at sorting out my routine at the moment too! We can do this!


  4. Busy lil bee, you go gal! Sounds like you're smashing your finals and as if you've almost finished Uni! Eeeeeep. xxx


    1. All of the busyness! It's crazy to have almost finished. How did I get here?!



Thank you so much for commenting! I appreciate every single one of them and will get back to them as soon as I can :)