LIFESTYLE // A new blog schedule

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Hello my lovelies!
I do hope you're having a good Sunday. I know what you're thinking. It's probably something along the lines of 'a Sunday post? Oh my, has she gone mad?! She never posts on a Sunday' or perhaps 'Ergh, it's Monday tomorrow. Can I have a time machine please'. Either way, I'm posting today just to give you all a little heads up on how my blogging schedule is going to change.

image2-4 As you may know, I am a university student and I find it incredibly difficult to keep up with my blog during term time. I'm starting my Masters year this year and so will be in the lab lots, as well as studying, and I expect that my free time will be equal to about zero (± 5 minutes). However, in an attempt to keep this up, I'm cutting down the number of posts to just 2 a week.

I know what you're thinking - 2 posts isn't really much of a reduction - but we'll see how it works. I've been spending a lot of time coming up with blog post ideas and scheduling them with dates from now until the near future. If you want to see how I've done this, let me know! I'm happy to share!

Anyway, posts will now be going live on Monday and Thursday at 9am.

That is all for this little announcement. Happy Sunday!


  1. I only post once or twice a week so I think 2 a week is great! You don't want your blog to get in the way of your uni work x

    Phoebe | Phoebe’s Diaries

    1. It definitely cannot get in the way - but I don't want to forget about it either! Fingers crossed it works!


  2. I think that is a wise idea cutting down, especially as you know you will be so busy but at least there will still be lots for us to read, yay!! I'm having a think about my schedule at the moment as finding it hard to blog with full time job. We shall see. Have a great week!

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog XX

    1. It's tough enough writing three posts a week during the summer, let alone term time! It's so difficult to organize a schedule without knowing there's some consistency but we'll see! Have a fabby week yourself!


  3. You post way more than me, and probably do more than me haha! Good luck on your masters, and I look forward to seeing what you have scheduled! :) xxx

    Hannah x hannatalks

  4. Aww I couldn't agree more!! Great post, gorgeous!! have a great day!

  5. Just see how you get along with two posts per week and take your time. Life can take over so quickly and there's no point in forcing yourself to blogging or write posts in a rush. I used to post twice a week (Monday and Thurday are the best days) but August and September have been busy months so I added a few more posts lately.

    Caz | Style Lingua

  6. I think two posts a week is good. The past couple of months i've not wanted to blog at all so took some time off and decided I'm starting back with just one post a week to see how that goes.

    Hayley \\ cityandcode


Thank you so much for commenting! I appreciate every single one of them and will get back to them as soon as I can :)