MUSIC // George Ezra at the Commodore Ballroom

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Hello there!
I am currently swamped under a pile of revision about 6 foot tall thanks to the beauty that is FINALS. I have one (single!) week to prepare for my four finals which are back to back. Unfair doesn't even cover that. Yes, I may be able to bring food into my exam but it's not like I can write the entire course on a bottle of water and pack of Bel Vitas or anything (cheating is bad guys - don't do it!)

Either way, I have been working all day and I deserve a 20 minute break to write a blog post right?


Well, before finals started freaking me out I went to see George Ezra Downtown and that was pretty darn cool - Just saying.

LIFESTYLE // Spring Formal

Friday, 10 April 2015

Hello there!
It has been a very hectic few weeks socially. I have had 3 (count 'em - 3!) formals! One included Erlenmeyer flasks (which are conical - come on!) The second took place on a boat (I know right) whereas the last one was just on campus but still was absolutely brilliant.

Being a student, I did not have much money to spend on lots of dresses. I just bought the one from ASOS and had it shipped to Canada but at least I think I got my fair share of wear from it! I thought I'd share some of the photos from my final formal (probably ever!) and just encourage as many of you as possible to take advantage of organized events whilst you are at university. It has really made me realize just how many friends I have made this past year and how I much I will miss them when we all go our separate ways. It may seem a little pricer than a night in a club with your close friends but I'd say it is definitely worth it!

LIFESTYLE // La La Love (iPhone Edition)

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Hello there!
I thought I'd give a little update on the few things that have been keeping me sane this past few weeks of deadlines upon deadlines. Recently I have depended way too heavily on my iPhone and iPad (like any student really!) but it is getting far too much. If I'm spending that much time on my phone I can at least share why right?